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here are many options to consider before exploring a sale or exit plan,

business owner the widest possible scenario of choices when realising the value of their shareholding.

and many shareholders often do not consider that a potential sale to anyone other than an acquirer who already operates within their sector as a realistic possibility. Most believe that a trade buyer would see greater value in the business due to a deeper understanding of the sector. In many cases, trade buyers do offer excellent deal structures, but in our experience at KBS Corporate, alternative options can often see greater future value in the business and offer more flexible deal structures. PE firms for example will typically hold several

Trade Acquirers A trade acquisition often provides an outright sale, either to a private or publicly owned company, typically involving a buyer within an equivalent or complementary sector. The acquirer could be UK based or be an overseas company looking to gain a foothold in the UK market.

Private Equity A Private Equity firm is an investment management

company that looks to invest these funds in return for an equity stake in companies with growth potential. The capital raised can be used to drive growth in the business through investment into new technologies, enhanced cash flow, the introduction of additional technical expertise and a more engaged and motivated employee base through shared incentives. Management Buy-In/ Out A Management Buyout (MBO) is a purchase made by the company’s

investments within a given sector, giving them further knowledge and experience. What company owners must ask themselves is: “What is important to me?”. Inevitably, all company owners want maximum choice when considering their exit strategy. It is better to sell is important to explore all possible outcomes when you consider the strategy for capitalising on the value of your business...

knowing that the decision to accept an offer was made once every option has been exhausted, without only exploring a small part of the potential market of buyers. It is important to explore all possible outcomes when you consider the strategy for capitalising on the value of your business. This will put you in the strongest position when deciding which route best delivers your objectives. Exploring other alternatives Experts in the industry for 25 years, KBS Corporate are aware that PE firms are not for everyone. KBS have the knowledge and experience to facilitate a range of transaction types to suit your situation and exceed your objectives.

management team. A Management Buy-In (MBI) is when, on a change of ownership, external management is introduced to supplement or replace the existing management team. Employee Ownership Trust An EOT is a form of employee benefit trust introduced by the UK government to facilitate wider employee ownership. No capital gains, income, or inheritance tax liabilities will incur through a properly structured EOT, and Directors can remain in situ post-disposal. The sale can often be much quicker and result in no large changes to day-to-day operations.

KBS Corporate offer a bespoke service, this involves the strategy of exploring all available options to give a


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